Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I've jumped on the bandwagon.

So...I guess I have decided to get with the revolution and start bloggin'. Not sure if anyone will ever read this. Don't know why anyone would. But, if you really don't have a life and find yourself savoring the text on this page, I will try to make it interesting.

I have titled my blog "Living The Dream". That is what I would like to think I am doing right now...enjoying singledom, a career, pursuing further education, traveling...what else is there, right? I am sure my family would have a long list of things I am missing. Oh well.

One thing I know for sure is that life is short. Better take advantage of every good thing. There is a lot of good to experience. I'll try and share some here.


Bleh said...

Hi !!! I too am a new blogger (have been blogging since the last five days). You don't seem to have too many readers and so do I, except one friend of mine who patiently goes through my ridiculous posts. So at least we can read each others' blogs, if no one else will. :-)

Happy Blogging !!!

Unknown said...

Spence -

I can't believe how quickly you make friends, even in blog world. You're amazing. I'm glad you have someone to read your blog. :)

Happy Dreamin!!

Melissa said...

Yeah..... I now have a relative or sibling that I can link with my blog. We are on our way to Disneyland....Hope you are good. Talk to you soon! I love the blog!!!!!! Keep it up!